“This is my heart felt wish for you….may you be blessed.”
I contemplate how much time I have given to my past, the dreams of the future and the ever present moment. I have witnessed the many internal dialogues of the old tapes that keep running through my mind, the many dialogues of how I want it to be, and the chatter that lives here in the present moment, I ponder.
What I do know to be true is that healing lives in the realm of being acknowledged, and lives in the here and now. A simple thing, but how often it is neglected. We are all suspect. How often do we clammer for our needs unmet, instead of the gifts that have been given to us? How often do we judge others, including ourselves, in hope that everyone will think like me or meet my demands. Ugh! I am guilty, yet learning how to stay within my body and solidify myself within my True Nature and my Fundamental Values.
Today, I want to acknowledge each and everyone of you, the gift that you have brought to this world. May you be blessed in its homecoming and welcomed into the hearth of our community. We need each other and the gifts that all of you bring. So shall it be.